Works on the reconstruction project of the water communal infrastructure of Adamićeva Street are approaching the final stage. The main sewerage collector is completely completed, while the water supply network is 98% completed. Also, works on sanitary connections are progressing and are currently at 81%. Below is a detailed overview of the remaining works.
Radovi na projektu rekonstrukcije vodno-komunalne infrastrukture Adamićeve ulice bliže se završnoj fazi. Glavni kanalizacijski kolektor je u potpunosti završen, dok je vodovodna mreža realizirana u visini od 98%. Također, radovi na sanitarnim priključcima napreduju te su trenutačno na 81%. U nastavku dostavljamo detaljan pregled preostalih radova.
In Zvonimirova Street, in the zone of the ZTC, the works on the installation of water and utility infrastructure on the section of phase 2a, which included the intersection of Zvonimirova Street, Ivan Matetić Ronjgov Street and Mirko Čurbeg Street, and the exit from the ZTC towards the city center, were completed. The section was opened to traffic, and the traffic lights were returned to normal mode of operation, which made traffic in this area easier.