On Thursday, July 18, 2024, preparatory works on the water communal infrastructure began, which will include the installation of a bypass pipe in the Zastenica II area.
The works involve collectors K6.2 – Podupora Street from house number 8 to the junction with Zastenice Street, K6.3 – Lukinićevo Street from house number 8 to the junction with Zastenice Street, and K6.4 – Kalina Street from house number 6 to the junction with Brdo Street.

The contractor is GP Krk d.d. According to the project traffic documentation, they have begun implementing appropriate traffic regulations.
We note that traffic regulation is being carried out based on the Traffic Study for the duration of the works, specifically the Consent for the Establishment of Temporary Traffic Regulation issued by the competent road authority.
Citizens are asked for their understanding and patience during the works and to follow the temporary traffic signs and instructions at the construction site.