The contracted value of the construction works was HRK 6,235,974.87, of which KD ViK d.o.o. financed HRK 1,672,576.11. Work on the rotor was carried out from 1 March 2022 to 17 December 2022, the contractor was GP KRK d.d., while the work was supervised by KD ViK d.d., they were performed by House d.o.o.
Construction works for KD ViK d.o.o. included the part of the construction works that were carried out as part of the EU project – Rijeka Agglomeration with the contracted amount of HRK 1,063,958.45 and construction works that were financed from own funds in the amount of HRK 608,617.66.
Construction works as part of the EU project – Rijeka Agglomeration included the laying of sewage installations and the laying of part of the water supply system, 228.71 m of sanitary collectors were constructed (of which 189.19 m DN300 and 39.52 m DN250), and 37.20 m of water pipes (ductile DN100). The value of the construction works was HRK 742,550.85.
As part of local financing, 267.78 m of water pipes were laid (164.28 m of ductile DN100 and 103.50 m of galvanized pipe DN50), and the value of the construction works was HRK 465,180.69.

Director of the Communal Company Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Rijeka, Andrej Marochini, expressed satisfaction with participating in this project.
“The cooperation is otherwise very good, so we are pleased when we are part of such projects, because infrastructure is the basis for the development of any area, including Viškovo, where we started with lot E as part of the project ” Improvement of the water communal infrastructure – Rijeka Agglomeration”, director of KD ViK Andrej Marochini said.
Viškovo Municipality Mayor Sanja Udović said, “This is an extremely valuable project in which I would especially emphasize the functionality of our new rotor because it is located in the very center of Viškovo, in a very frequent location in terms of pedestrian and vehicle movement. Two county roads intersect here, so it was important to ensure safety and traffic flow, which we succeeded in doing. The fifth rotor in Viškovo is a confirmation of the extremely good cooperation of these investors who have already cooperated in the area of Viškovo, so we expect new investments in transport infrastructure in the future. In addition to traffic safety and functionality, I must also mention the investment in communal infrastructure in the trunk of the road, which is extremely important for the further development of Viškovo. The investment in this rotor is worth a little more than one million euros, the Municipality of Viškovo provided a little more than 520 thousand euros, the County Administration for Roads 330 thousand euros, the Municipal Water and Sewerage Company 170 thousand euros, and HEP ODS participated in the replacement and laying of new power lines installation. In addition to functionality, I must emphasize the new urban design of the center of Viškovo, because we got wide and horticulturally arranged pedestrian areas. We also incorporated two symbols of the tradition of „bell ringers“ into the rotor, as a sculpture of Antonja was placed in the construction work area, and the central island of the rotor is filled with blue and white pebbles, and a red scarf in the spirit of bell ringers. I would like to thank all the stakeholders of this project for their very good cooperation, but also the locals for their understanding during the execution of the construction works.”