Preparatory works in Ružice Mihić Street (subsystem C.2.1. Donja Drenova) will begin on Monday, May 6, 2024.
Traffic will be regulated by traffic lights on the eastern part of the road, while the western part will be closed to all traffic.

In Srdoči, in Baćići Street (subsystem D8-2.1 Srdoči – Grbci), the start of the works is announced for 13.05.2024, and the works will take place from house number 15 to house number 8.
Residents of the mentioned areas will be informed in a timely manner about the start of the works through information leaflets that will be placed in visible places on the street.

We invite citizens to monitor the progress of the works, as well as any changes in traffic regulation for the sake of their own safety, as well as that of others involved in traffic, and we thank them in advance for their understanding and cooperation.